Friday, July 10, 2009

Splm Leader day.

July 4, 2009
A. Program Title:

Inaugural Music and Drama Festivals 2009

B. Program Goals:

1. Disseminating SPLM’s vision and mission through music, songs, poems and theatre to enhance the process of building social capital of unity, self-value, respect to martyrdom and love to nation.
2. All SPLM members and supporters are seized with patriotism of our martyrs, dedication of combatants and charity of the masses towards SPLM mission.

C. Program Objectives

1. To organize a one-week inaugural music and drama festivals to mark the South Sudan Martyrs Day on July 30th, 2009 through to August 8th, 2009.
2. To collect music and drama material by the end of the week.

D. Programs Inputs

A consultant is working on estimates to pay for a venue, pay winners, pay for advertisement, organizers, feeding and local transport for participants and organizers.
States Authorities to finance travel of participants from and back to their states.

E. Program Strategies

1. Collection of revolutionary songs, peace and prosperity through encouragement of competition and rewarding the winners by SPLM Leadership.
2. Inaugural music and drama week shall be dedicated to martyrs, tribute to freedom fighters, praise to gallant SPLA forces, admiration to SPLM vision and mission and to observe the August 8th, 2005 Day on which President Kiir, The Joshua, was sworn in to cross the nation and its Peoples to the promises land.
3. Secretariat for Culture and Information to record all the festivities and events to enable SPLM to develop oral, written, and visual campaign material.
4. All media shall be allowed to document the events to enhance greater outreach.
5. Southern Sector SPSOs in partnership with Secretariat for Information and Culture and SPLM Youth Leagues, SPLM Secretariat for Political Affairs and Mobilization to prepare the themes and messages of the festival that shall include (a) martyrdom and liberty, (b) freedom, (c) unity in diversity, (d) inclusivity, (e) justice and equality, (f) good governance and (g) prosperity.
6. SPSOs to engage a consultant to develop criteria for competition and methods of awarding marks of excellence and winning of the festivities.
7. Organizing team to invite competing groups and individuals on (a) drama (b) choir music (c) theatre drama (d) poems (e) sculptures (f) fine arts (g) radio drama, (h) short films and (i) essays and story writing.
8. Winners categorized into the first three positions with medals, first ten positions and award and certificate acknowledging and appreciating participation.
9. The inaugural week shall be limited to participants from Southern Sector (Ten States of Southern Sudan, Abyei, Southern Kordofan and Southern Blue Nile . Each state shall finance the transport accommodation of their participants.
10. The organizers shall provide feeding to participants and organizers.

F. Program Justification

1. Challenges and Solutions

Implementation of mandate by SPSOs is faced with challenges to reach and mobilize all the popular and syndicated organizations in Southern Sector to rally the masses around SPLM objectives and mission. Peoples of South Sudan are challenged to pay tribute to its martyrs and freedom fighters. The priority and relevancy now is to create space for promotion of songs and drama on SPLM vision, mission and principles of good governance, inclusivity, just peace, freedom, equality, unity in diversity and prosperity for all irrespective of religion, gender and race. This is because most of existing songs and poems of liberation are not the most relevant now due to types of lyrics used and messages that tend to criticize and exclude.

2. History and Opportunity

The current history of liberation struggle led by Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM) has demonstrated how effective the use of songs for social, political and war mobilization. Needless to say shall this be the same and more is, now than ever, needed to promote culture of peace and ideals of liberation struggle if we are to realize the fruits of freedom and dividends of just and lasting peace.

Learnt lessons from our history justify efforts and resources to be invested on music and drama. Peoples of South Sudan , since times of their great ancestors, have adopted songs, music, and drama in their communication amongst and between themselves. All social strata age and sex -to express happiness, sorrow and admiration and to mobilize for war and/or for peace- have intensively used songs, drama and music. Most African history is recorded in songs. Folktales from our cultures include phrases of songs. In modern South Sudan music, songs and drama could play a pivotal role in promoting good governance and justice.

Music heals, is a food for soul and is a shade to protect off heat of social and economic challenges. Music, songs and drama are means of income traditionally and in modern world. Music, songs and drama do not know boundaries and have ability to attract the mind and energy of adults, youth and children at all time. If effectively explored music and drama could effectively serve as vehicles to communicate the intended educative material to target groups and from them to all society alike.

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