Thursday, July 9, 2009

E3News to the Members.

Fellow Equatorians,

Given the multiple challenges we are facing today at home and here in the Diaspora, we just can't afford to fold our hands, stand by, watch, and expect solutions to fall down from heaven like the biblical Manna. It is better to do something than nothing, and that something, can begin as simple as "social gathering" like the ESCA-USA annual convention as others refer to it. After all, a journey of thousand miles begins with few steps. Don't we have to stick around longer to build knowledge in order to become wise? How many people would start something and do it perfectly well from the very beginning? Show me something significant that you have accomplished, and I can count the huddles you overcame to get there. In Genesis, wasn't the world VOID and formless before the light and perfection came into being? If that was the case with the Almighty Creator, who are we the Equatorians to start ESCA-USA without first making mistakes, and later improve? I think ESCA-USA has great potential of becoming a giant organization if we only have patience and commitment. For indepth review of ESCA-USA, I encourage you to pay your registration fees today and join us in Utah on September 5 though 6.

Thank you.

Paulino S. Paida Chairman,
Board of Directors

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