Monday, July 27, 2009

man who do not want to asking for help.

A married couple went to the hospital together to have their baby delivered. Upon their arrival, the doctor said he had invented a new machine that would transfer a portion of the mother's labor pain to the father. He asked if they were willing to try it out. They were both very much in favor of it. The doctor set the knob to 10 percent for starters, explaining that even 10 percent was probably more pain than the father had ever experienced before. But as the labor progressed, the husband felt fine, so he asked the doctor to go ahead and bump it up a notch. The doctor then adjusted the machine to 20 percent pain transfer. The husband was still feeling fine. The doctor checked the husband's blood pressure and pulse and was amazed at how well he was doing. At this, they decided to try for 50 percent. The husband continued to feel quite well. Since it was obviously helping out his wife considerably, he encouraged the doctor to transfer ALL the pain to him. The wife delivered a healthy baby with virtually no pain. She and her husband were ecstatic. When they got home, the mailman was dead on their porch.

Time to fool one another:

Lawyer's Are Full Of Bull

A big-city lawyer was representing the railroad in a lawsuit filed by an old rancher. The rancher's prize bull was missing from the section through which the railroad passed. The rancher claimed that the bull must have been hit by the train, and wanted to be paid the fair value of the bull. The case was scheduled to be tried before the justice of the peace in the back room of the general store. As soon as the rancher showed up, the attorney for the railroad pulled him aside and tried to get him to settle out of court. The lawyer did his best selling job, and finally the rancher agreed to take half of what he was asking. After the rancher had signed the release and took the check, the young lawyer couldn't resist gloating a little over his success, telling the rancher, "You know, I hate to tell you this, old man, but I put one over on you in there. I couldn't have won the case. The engineer was asleep and the fireman was in the caboose when the train went through your ranch that morning. I didn't have one witness to put on the stand. I bluffed you!" The old rancher replied, "Well, I'll tell you, young feller, I was a little worried about winning that case myself, because that darned bull came home this

oil War of Sudan.
and thanks.
ESCA-WA Office.

E3SNews to the Members.

Dear ESCA-WA Members.
ESCA-WA will be having General meeting on August /01/ 2009 at St.Columba`s Episcal Church or Sudanese community Church center at 5:00pm to 7:00pm. And We all ask everyone to pass the massege to those with not access to the internet. The agenda will be at the door to the meeting pleace. or for more info, pl`s call Safina Chandia at (253)288-1932
and ThanksESCA-WA Office.

If You want to look for Job this Days, be like Africa A gazelle and Lion.

If you plan to look for Job this days, you may need to plan your ways like africa gazelle and lion.
"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle; when the sun comes up, you'd better be running."

Friday, July 24, 2009

ESCA-WA Meeting Invited July 25/2009. 1130AM to 1:00pm

Dear all,ESCA-WA will be having General meeting on July 25, 2009 at St.Columba`s Episcal Church or Sudanese community Church center at 11:30am to 1:00pm. Therefore for those of you in Eastern Washington Cities, you are invited to join us and We all ask everyone to pass the massege to those with not access to the internet. The agenda will be at the door to the meeting pleace. or for more info, pl`s call Safina Chandia at (253)288-1932
and ThanksESCA-WA Office

John garang Secret deal with Daniel arap moi.

By Peter Mwaura, The Daily NationJuly 16, 2005 -- Did John Garang cut a secret deal with former President Daniel arap Moi to hand over the south eastern corner of the Sudan to Kenya in return for logistical and moral support in the Sudan civil war or something else? Or did President Moi make a covert agreement with the Khartoum government to cede the Ilemi Triangle in exchange for stopping military support for the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) through Turkana warriors?Whatever the theory, Kenya's claim to sovereignty over the territory at the corner of Kenya-Sudan- Ethiopia boundary is precarious - in the absence of a treaty or legislative mandate. It would only take a change of regime or mind in Khartoum to scuttle the claims and international law would probably be on the side of Sudan. The Ilemi Triangle - named after a famous chief of the Anuak, a community living along Sudan's eastern border with Ethiopia - i! s larger than the Republic of the Gambia, or 10 times the area of Kiambu District. It is the gateway to the unexplored oil reserves in southern Sudan and is itself suspected to have minerals.Kenya came to occupy the Ilemi Triangle by default. Sudan - then under joint Anglo-Egyptian rule - did not want it because, according to the preliminary expedition that tried to occupy and administer the territory around 1930, it appeared to be "entirely useless".The Ilemi Triangle was, therefore, created for the administrative convenience of Sudan. The Turkana, who roamed over the hilly pastures with their livestock during the dry season, needed to be protected from violent raids by the well-armed Dassanetch, Nyangatom and Toposa rival communities and other raiders from Ethiopia and Sudan.In 1928, Khartoum gave Kenya permission to send military units across the border in "hot pursuit" in order to protect the Turkana. Units of the King's African Rifles (KAR) then moved in! to the triangle and by 1947 Kenya had seven police posts in the territory. Today Ilemi is solely controlled and administered by Kenya. This is not surprising. Sudan, the largest country in Africa, is too big. It is so huge that no central government in Khartoum - not even the British - has ever effectively controlled it.After Sudan achieved independence in 1956, Sudanese forces in the south rebelled and civil war followed, which delayed the settlement of Sudan's poorly delimited borders. With the renewed interest in prospecting for minerals in the vast territory, and now that the civil war is over, Khartoum is likely to turn its attention to the Ilemi Triangle.But the case of the Ilemi Triangle has been complicated by history. Before President Moi came to power in 1978 maps of Kenya showed the country's northern boundary with Sudan as a straight line drawn from the tip of Lake Rudolf (now Turkana) westwards to the north of Lokichoggio. Named the Maud Line, after Ca! pt Philip Maud of the British Royal Engineers who delimited the boundary in 1902-03, the straight line was recognized in 1907 and 1914 as the international boundary between Sudan and Kenya. Above the Maud Line, the maps also showed the Ilemi Triangle in dotted lines with the words "Provisional/ administrative boundary".After 1978, however, the dots disappeared from official Kenya maps and have been replaced by a continuous line, suggesting that the frontier territory now belongs to Kenya. But the Maud Line, some writers claim, is the only recognized international border. Not everybody agrees that the Maud Line is the international boundary. One of them is Maurice Amutabi, a Moi University lecturer currently on leave and teaching in the United States. Dr Amutabi, whose PhD research was on the Ilemi Triangle, holds that the territory belongs to Kenya.He argues that it was transferred to Kenya with the Kitgum (Uganda) Agreement of 1924 by representatives of Kenya, Sudan, ! Ethiopia and Uganda. This agreement ceded the administrative rights over the triangle to Kenya. "Whoever puts dots on the map is making a mistake," he says. "The boundaries remain binding just like the transfer from Uganda of western Kenya and Turkana in the 1920 agreement between Kenya Colony and the Uganda Protectorate. "He thinks, however, that "the triangle is going to be another Bakassi Peninsular if the government of Kenya does not move fast and improve the Kibish outposts and make the ownership position clear internationally. "

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Arrest made on Froud

Tuesday, July 21 AN IT expert for the Government of Southern Sudan and a city banker have been arrested for allegedly diverting about $320,000 (sh640m) meant for Sudanese students’ fees.
The man and a female employee of Stanbic Bank were picked from a city suburb on Sunday night. They were detained at the Rapid Response Unit head office in Kireka, Kampala. According to sources, the man works in the Kampala liaison office.
“During the course of his work, he got to know that students’ tuition was to be dispatched through Nairobi. He could have colluded with someone in the education ministry,” a source told The New Vision yesterday.
The money would always be wired to Nairobi from where it would be sent to an account in Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) in Kampala, sources disclosed.
“When his contact alerted him that the money was in Nairobi, he informed the staff there to send the money to a Stanbic Bank account, instead of KCB,” the source stated.
The Stanbic Bank account, at the IPS branch on Parliament Avenue, said to be the man’s personal account, was credited mid this month. The man allegedly withdrew $35,000 (about sh70m) and wired $190,000 (about sh380m) to an undisclosed bank. Only $93,000 (about sh186m) was on the account when it was blocked last week.
In the ensuing spending spree, he allegedly ordered a vehicle worth over sh11m among other transactions, detectives disclosed.
“We are trying to ascertain where the other money is because it has not yet reached the intended account,” the source said, adding that it was in the wiring transaction that the bank official participated.
Detectives yesterday interrogated the man and his accomplice in addition to scrutinizing the bank transactions. The anti-corruption crime acting commissioner, Steven Otim, confirmed the arrest

Deng Stephen input about Josephine S.Lagu

I am very disappointed to see such inhumanly false information on Dr. Josephine, nothing happened but her position is targeted by implicating her, a jeopardy planned crime for keeping educated away so that corruptions, public funds embezzlements, marginalization, and hates of all forms may prevail in the south Sudan.I think there are serious problems in south Sudan which the intellectuals are failing to understand. Dr. Josephine did nothing wrong, some SPLA/M officials are thirsty for her positions that is why they targeted stripping her off her identity. Scaring intellectuals based on lack of participation during the civil war is not good at all. We know Dr. Josephine; she is transparent women we trust. The political slogan in our south Sudan is dirty, and we will fear going back after graduation because graduates are threatens and forced to work under unskilled SPLA/M soldiers. With all these, we cannot develop southern Sudan to be a nation for a people. Shame on GoSS and shame on all GoSS official for planning organized crimes in the name of hate; tribalism in particular. Scaring Dr. Josephine is scheme of avoiding intellectuals who technically know how to do the right job, classic to world standard. Prior to the allegation, we know that Dr. Josephine was traveling by bus to connect students by her vice who is not having even Sudan school certificate is traveling on plane, transparent injustices based on lack of vision to the south Sudanese.
Deng Stephen
Makerere UniversityKampala-Uganda

Alligation on Dr.Josephine S. Lagu.

BY: Rengo Gyyw Rengo, Jr.,
UGANDAYes, there are new developments on the fees row in Uganda. Two positive developments:1- The Uganda police and intelligence, upon request from GOSS, have arrested Mr. Felix whose full names are a little bit hard to ascertain. However, Mr. Felix is said to be an Information Technology specialist in the office of the Undersecretary, Dr. Josephine S. Lagu, the daughter of the former Sudan Vice president, President of the former Southern Sudan High Executive Council during the post Addis Ababa Agreement, and the leader of the Anya Nya One Movement. Ugandan police using the GRPS Technology, which locates the location of an elusive suspect, arrested Mr. Felix on the weekend. He is awaiting both extradition to Juba where he shall be investigated. Before that we were told, he was made to write a statement to the police on the matter. That statement shall be handed over to GOSS authorities with him. Perhaps, he will also give account of the money and those involved in the deal. One worrying thing in the minds of many, was how the IT specialist/officer could directly deal with students money? And why was his private and personal account use? Could he be related to some people in the office of the Undersecretary including the Undersecretary? Nobody knows. It is rumoured that the young man grew up in UK together with Dr. Josephine Lagu but nobody is certain to draw close relationship.2- Dr. Josephine Lagu, Undersecretary, is reported suspended from her post and her immunity lifted pending investigations into her role in the saga. At least dogs on the street of Juba can bite her without problem. The Director General for Higher Education, Mr. Atem Kuir Jok, a master’s degree holder in education from Moi University, Kenya, is now the Acting Undersecretary for Higher Education in the Ministry Of Education, Science and Technology, MOEST until further notice. This information was gathered from reliable sources.3- The students, for love of their government, decided unilaterally to lift a ban they had imposed on GOSS Laision office in Uganda. Students had closed the Laision office to put pressure on the government. This reversal of decision came as a result of their communication with the government back home, which assured them of timely management of their problems. They were equally convinced with the news of arrest and suspension of the two suspects or accomplices.4- According to a statement from Mr. Junior William Deng, the Students Union Vice President in Uganda, “we’d no problem with the government as such, but with individuals who use students to steal from the government. So, We rang the bell! The arrest of Mr. Felix and suspension and lifting of immunity of the Undersecretary epitomises the seriousness of our government on fighting corruption and deliberate malpractices by some people.. Students are part of civil society that helps the government in fighting corruption.”On whether they were entitled to this money as scholarships from the Government, Mr. Junior said, “No. The government is not obliged to give us scholarships in the disapora, owing to number of challenges and problems its faces at home. Even universities and students at home don’t have everything they need for their learning. For example Juba university, Dr. Garang university of science and technology in Bor, you name them. However, since the government had chosen to help us voluntarily, there is no need for some people to take adavantage of it. This is our contentment. Actually, embezzling the money meant for students in diaspora is worst than cancellation of such support and assistance”.5- Gen. Gier, who is very proud of young people, students who he believes contributed to the struggle [the Red army], yesterday called from Juba assuring students to stay calm. That the ministry GOSS is ready to release money, despite some unseriousness in the ministry of education. The GOSS government was mourning the death of the President Advisor, Father George Kinga who died yesterday but one. General Gier, minister for interior GOSS who was acting as minister for legal affairs because the latter was away, is not relenting until he gets to the bottom of the matter.6- The matter had reached such gravity that it drew the attention of Gen Kale Kaihura, the Inspector General of police of the Republic of Uganda, although he couldn’t meet the students personally, was quoted as saying, “there’s no problem. These students are our students. We’ll handle them as Ugandans and our students.”7- Conclusion, despite no date set for receving the money, President Salva Kiir is known for issuing of inviolable orders. With sureity of quick response, students have melted back to their various universities awaiting the positive developments as soon as possible. Even if the government may withdraw its support with time, it may not be now because students are already indebted to universities with what the government had pledged to them last semester.8- The Head of the Liaison Office, representing the President of GOSS in Uganda is Mr. James Ongea and his deputy is Mr. Kau Nak. There’s an Education Attache, newly commissioned from Juba, who deals with students matters and scholarships, among others. There are other different departments including special programmes.The challenge the Liaison Office faces sometimes in Uganda is its evasion by some government officials like that of the undersecretary.. There are those government officails who come to Uganda on government duties but want to deal with individuals in the community or students without involving or passing through the Liaison Office. Nobody knows whether the problems is lack of knowledge on governments work or prejudices towards the incumbent officials. Whatever the answer may be, the government needs to impose some discipline of its visiting teams to Uganda to respect the Liaison office. Also in Uganda is the SPLM secretariat, a watchdog of the party in Uganda

Equatorian Resolutions for the Success and best members of July.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) wrote this a long time age, but his thoughts are still timely for today, especially when we think about making Resolutions.

To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent person and the affection of children.

To earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty;to find the best in others.

To give one`s self; to love the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition.

To have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived..............

This is to have Succeeded.

Wishing you every Succeed in July 2009.

A Joke of the Week.

A beautiful woman at the gynecologist

A beautiful, voluptuous woman went to a gynecologist. The doctor took one look at this woman and all his professionalism went out the window. He immediately told her to undress. After she had disrobed the doctor began to stroke her thigh. Doing so, he asked her, "Do you know what I'm doing?" "Yes," she replied, "you're checking for any abrasions or dermatological abnormalities." "That is right," said the doctor. He then began to fondle her breasts. "Do you know what I'm doing now?" he asked. "Yes," the woman said, "you're checking for any lumps or breast cancer." "Correct," replied the shady doctor. Finally, he mounted his patient and started having sexual intercourse with her. He asked, "Do you know what I'm doing now?" "Yes," she said. "You're getting Gonorrea; which is why I came here in the first place."

A Police Joke Since Prof. been Arrest by A cops in His Home.

Drunk Driver hits the streets
A police officer pulls over this guy who had been weaving in and out of the lanes. He goes up to the guy's window and says "Sir, I need you to blow into this breathalyzer tube."The man says, "Sorry officer I can't do that. I am an asthmatic. If I do that I'll have a really bad asthma attack."
"Okay, fine. I need you to come down to the station to give a blood sample.""I can't do that either. I am a hemophiliac. If I do that, I'll bleed to death."
"Well, then we need a urine sample.""I'm sorry officer I can't do that either. I am also a diabetic. If I do that I'll get really low blood sugar."
"Alright then I need you to come out here and walk this white line.""I can't do that, officer.""Why not?""Because I'm too drunk to do that."

Equatorian Sudanese Community Association Donations Appal for Voluntee Program.

Hello to world Peace members.

Equatorian Sudanese Community Association of Washington have Volunteers program that need

1-musicians to teach the Children music ranging from Drum to Guitar, Dance.

2-Photographer to teaches photography.

3-Artists laborers to help build a new building environmental.

4-Farming enthusiasts to teach basic farming skills to help sustain the tribes of Equatorian.

5-English teachers, Doctors (Nurses, Medical Professionals to teach basic first Aid.)

6-Equatorian Sudanese Community Association Of Washington was found by Equatorian members in 2004 and in April 2007 become an officially 501( c) ( 3 ) Non-Profit in the State of Washington. our goals of form this community this year is to rise funds to help those kids in need here in USA and back home in the three Equatorian States, as you may have read from the Internet, about any money that the world rich countries may have gaven money to the Sudanese Gov, north or South, they used the money to buy with those things that you can see at the photos.

and thanks ESCA-WA Office.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Welcome Home.

Dear Moderators,

I wish to register my heartfelt appreciation and excitement to you for having welcomed and included me to this great website of EK2. My special regards and thanks goes to Uncle Sam who seconded my application, my great brother Benedict and all the members of this great forum.

As an equantorian, I promise to work and abide by the rules of the forum and contribute to the well beings of our great land by sharing ideas. It's my pride to be with you today. Some of us have exhausted our efforts in other forums for years, without sharing with people from home. Thanks God that I will be passing through the words/comments of some great guys in this fora. We hope to share more.

I will be delighted to share issues with great people like you, my good friends Steeve Paterno, Ladit Sisto Olur, Onyo-Majiekwa, Mary Lodira, and many great lads and intellectuals of Greater Equatoria.

God bless you all, ''If one were to offer men to choose out of all customs in the world such as seemed to them the best, they would examine the whole number, and end by preferring their own: so convinced are they that their usuage surpass that of all others''
Barsabas Efuk Gallas

Become a mother of the month in America is not an easy thing.

Check this link below out.

and thanks

ESCA-WA Office.

Sudanese Community Church mass.

Hello People of God.

Sudanese Community Church Mass Hour are 3:30pm to 5:00pm every Saturday at St.Columba`s Episcal Church. Address to the pleace is 26715 Military Rd S kent WA or call the Church program office or Chairman Mr.James Banaya at 2067603834 and at right is the future Sudanese community church Rev. Alex L.

and thanks

ESCA-WA Office.

Samuel Loliwa Dream of the Equatorian Three States.

By Samuel Loliwa
July 15, 2009

Equatoria is our beauty, Equatoria is our Land.
From its borders of Kenya , Uganda , and Congo its hope reigns.

Equatoria yields fruits of intellects;
Its produces the brightest and the prudent.

Equatoria never act under emotion;
But it acts under cases reviewed.

Equatoria is the Land of peace:
Peace flow from its sunrise to its sun down.

Fury is it’s respond to evil.
Sacrifice is its response to arrogant behavior.
Maturity is found in its shadows;
Wisdom is found in its custody.

Equatoria never fear but learn;
Never escaped but pursued;
Never a shame but attracts.

The entire South Sudan seeks its dock.

Africa found it pride in her shores!
Yes, Juba welcomes all;
And Yei hosts many;
Torit pleases but scares;
While Kapeota aims but dodges;
Meridi and Yambio shows by example.
Nimule never yields.

All from the heart of our Equatoria;
Equatoria is our home;
Equatoria is our bond;
Equatoria is our pride.
Equatoria is our victory.

May God bless Equatoria

Lasu Joseph`s input about Witchdoctors curfew in Yei Town.

A curfew was imposed on the self proclaimed/immigran t traditional healers that of late flooded Yei town where a number of them were arrested and locked up i suppose in Yei prisons. Yesterday they were paraded at the freedom square together with their items for people to see them. The county authorities intends to send them out of Yei since it was becoming more and more evident that they were confusing the community with false treatment, ideas and causing social problems in families.
To me the county authorities deserve a credit for this action taken. While it may be necessary for traditional healers in society to play an important role of healing people of certain abnormalities, for our case in Yei it may be difficult to acertain who is a genuine traditional healer and who is a fake one, given the nature of people rushing to South Sudan and venturing into any business for economic gains. These witchdoctors got the liberty to crowd themselves in Yei and advertise their funny names, activities and medicines (that cant be proved) through the FM radio stations here in Yei at their will.
In circumstances where activities like for traditional healers cannot be contrlolled due to absence of established law, the jungle law works here. Arrest and prosecute those suspected to be fake. Its important to preserve the health and moral identity of our community. Commissioner i commend you for that!
This is my opinion. Tinate.

Lasu Joseph

Ten Reasons Why 2010 Election will be a waste of Time for the South Sudanese.

Ten Reasons Why 2010 Elections will be a Waste of Time for The South Sudanese
By: Magol Gabriel Alueth, South Sudanese
JULY 16/2009, SSN: Since the independence of Sudan in 1956, South Sudanese all over the world have been hoping that one day, in the land of Sudan, a peaceful coexistence between African Christians in the south and Arab Muslims in the north will prevail. In 2005, something of the sort came into existence but at a lower percentage; perhaps 30% in form of the CPA (Comprehensive Peace Agreement), and a lot more hopes, including miraculous democratic change in Sudan and maybe the presidency as well, in the general elections, were thus generated among South Sudanese.
Well, 2011 is now approaching, and the fate of the CPA is still in the dark due to lack of its major clauses’ implementation. In addition, the general elections that were supposed to be held in September this year are now in “coma” and will subsequently be considered dead by February next year, because of the following ten reasons.
1) Wrong Belief from Northerners: When people look back on the historical records of Sudan, starting from the moment colonialists’ left Sudan up to the time Bashir took power in 1989, it becomes inevitably clear who the winner for the Feb 2010 election is, before the results are out. Since its inception in 1956, there has been some sort of a belief that Sudan is an Arab state; thus, the government has always been run by an Arab as a leader but not southerner and not even a Darfurian for that matter. Most attempts in the south and west (Darfur) of Sudan, focused almost entirely on sharing political power and wealth with the northern regime but these have always failed due to aforementioned belief.
In fact, all of the northern regimes that have come and gone ruling Sudan generally focus on Khartoum politicians, and Arab and Islamic identity. They believe that Sudan as being about the northern-dominated regime in Khartoum whether military or parliamentary, politically or economically, religiously or racially. Apparently, the sovereign state of Sudan has chosen over the past fifty years to move the country towards Arabised-Islamised Middle East culture and as a result they have been failing to respect our traditional African identity from the southern and western regions of the country.
This rhetoric that the Sudan is not a land of many peoples, but country that belongs to those with two identities: Muslims and Arabs, is a sharp fact that still exists at present and is deeply rooted in the minds of many NCP leaders currently, hence, it is therefore a waste of time for the south Sudanese to vote during elections when their votes aren’t going to make any difference. In fact, it is necessary to mention that the current regime of Hassan Omar al Bashir has been the most aggressive and worst regime Sudan has ever produced since independence.
2) Rigging of Elections: There are two forms of rigging: One has already been accomplished by the NCP and the remaining one will be executed during the actual day of voting. The completed rigging was done in the form of census. When we reflect on how the 5th census was conducted, and what the south Sudanese authorities have done in relation to their outcome combined with the SPLM inability to fixing apparent problems at the right time; then one automatically believes that it would be wise to sit back at home instead of going to the polling station and casting a vote that is already stolen.
This is what I am talking about; according to the recent census results, the overall population of Sudan stands at 39,154,490 people including 8,260,490 south Sudanese. Among south Sudanese population, less than half of 8.2 million is believed to be in the category of the voting age and that means, less than 4 million ballots will be transported to south Sudan during election time. The fact is, the population in the south is not 8.2 million people; instead 8.2 million is the actual number of people that are in the voting age category and should have been reflected in the numbers of ballots that south Sudan needs during election. As of now, every south Sudanese should be aware that more 3 million ballots that should have been belonging to them are already stolen-period.
The second type of rigging which is currently underway will be voter disenfranchisement and stealing of votes using technology. The implication is that, politically or financially motivated NCP hackers and programmers will steal the remaining votes from our corrupt, lazy, and incompetent election officials from South Sudan -of course in their present- like the way census was stolen and nobody will complain. In addition, the few south Sudanese and SPLM members in the north of the country will highly be subjected to NCP intimidation during election. Some of them will not be allowed to vote, while others will be told by force to vote for the NCP.
3) SPLM Weakness: Day by day, a lot of deficiencies grow within the main south Sudanese party –the SPLM. Of course, in any election it is obvious that a candidate with an excellent political background and charisma is usually chosen by the party members to unseat an experienced incumbent, at a time when more people felt more need for a better change.
However, considering what is now happening within SPLM party, it becomes obviously clear that we are not yet prepared to go into 2010 elections .First of all, the party hasn’t until now chosen their candidate and this is a very unfortunate situation that should have been accomplished as we entered the CPA period. Secondly, the SPLM party hasn’t until now developed any major campaign strategies that are needed at this time; no website for campaign, no definite numbers of members secured, no secured fund, etc. Lastly, the SPLM party is suffering from lack of support internally and externally, as a result, there have been some defections from the party (i.e. SPLM-DC) but the reverse is never happening.
4) Lack of Campaign Funds and Resources: Elections all over the world cost money to win; however, the pipe through which money is pumped to south Sudanese is generated via the NCP- the ruling Islamic party in Khartoum. As the launch of the electoral campaign draws nearer and nearer, the NCP has deliberately decided to gradually block this pipe so that the SPLM and other south Sudanese would have no access to campaign money, and as a result, the SPLM secretaries for elections in all southern ten States are complaining about lack of state funding and difficulties to finance their campaigns.
With just months remaining before the election period begins, some states are accusing the government of ruining the chances by blocking media access to areas that have a high concentration of SPLM members.
On the other hand, it is obvious that southern Sudanese parties would not be able to raise money in the amounts necessary to sustain, not just a campaign in the northern and western sectors of the country, but a campaign across the ten states of south Sudan.
5) Insecurity During Elections Time: Firstly, the continued insecurity along tribal lines which is mostly catalyzed by NCP elements in south Sudan does not only constitutes a threat to the lives and property of the people living in the area but may also become problematic as these people who are fighting are the ones in the category of the voting age that would be needed the most during elections.
Secondly, the Darfur conflict is a huge advantage to the NCP during election. The NCP knows very well that a peaceful Darfur has higher chances of collaborating with the south Sudan during election, hence giving a landslide advantage to south Sudanese. Apparently, the NCP isn’t ready to accept peace with Darfurian rebels before elections. In fact, they are going to intensify their aggression towards Darfurian during elections so that the majority of voters are scared from voting.
6) Lack CPA Implementation: Although the CPA is already in an acute paralysis, the issue of border demarcation is a necessary condition that should have been given “intensive care unit” before elections in 2010. Until now there is no clear boundary between the north and the south and this is a deliberate attempt by the NCP to undermine CPA and our right as south Sudanese.
Moreover, the issue of Abyei is already overdue and should have been completed before we go for elections. Worst of all, there are also reports that a gradual southward migration of NCP/NIF forces is taking placing as we speak. Of course, this is not only a gross violation of the CPA by the NCP among others, but it also constitutes building up of forces for a possible war with the south Sudanese should they gain upper hand during elections.
7) Lack of Voting Orientation: When I talk of voting orientation people shouldn’t get confused about it. It simply means two things: firstly, most southern Sudanese of the voting age has never voted in their lives and it would be hard for them to vote accordingly during the elections. That is to say, they will not vote based on the initial preference an individual might have in their minds before voting, but their voting will be influenced by the circumstances each one will find in polling stations during the actual voting time.
Secondly, a considerable number of people in the south do not actually know the importance of their individual votes. In fact, most people, especially southern Sudanese, will not waste their time on long lines and at 40°C sun heat, just to cast their votes during election time.
8) Lack Of Unity Among South Sudanese Parties: For the sake of South Sudanese and their political survivability in the long run, SPLM and all other south Sudan parties should have established an overall developmental planning framework for 2010 election. They should have formed a coalition party that represents the overall view of all south Sudanese throughout the country, however, that seems to be out of the box right now. In fact more parties are still coming up as we approach elections, i.e. SPLM-DC.
There is a lack of unity of among all these parties in the south and all of these don’t even realize that not only are they still in the early stage of setting up their long-term operations in the country, but they are also going to be crashed and controlled by the NCP in the upcoming elections should they decide to operate independently.
9) Support from Arabs Nations: Since the independence of Sudan on the 1st of Jan 1956, Khartoum government has been receiving a lot of supports mostly from the Middle East and many other Arabs nations just because of their Arab and Islamic identity. Other Arab nation such as Egypt wants neither south Sudanese independence nor a south Sudanese leading the Sudan as a whole. This is deeply rooted in the belief that an independent south Sudan or a south Sudanese leader in Sudan, is highly likely to collaborate with other African countries like Kenya and Uganda and block the source of Egypt prosperity- the River Nile waters.
10) Lack of Regional and International Support: The hopes of southern Sudanese over the last eight years have been largely dependent on the US under the Bush administration. While Barack Obama’s election as US president has generated significant enthusiasm in the country and in particular south Sudan, this has now turned into predication on the desire for his administration to break with Bush-era policies and make serious efforts to improve relations with the NCP, hence ignoring the voices of the south Sudanese.
In fact, not only has the US largely ignored the struggle for southern Sudanese, which has a storied history and continues to struggle valiantly against the brutal regime led by Omar al-Bashir, but it has also mostly failed to grapple with the Darfur conflict as a whole, not to mention the other issues plaguing Sudan such as the ICC warrant of arrest against El Bashir.
On the other hand, China is now becoming a new colonizing power in the Sudan and is generally willing to ingratiate with Khartoum government (NCP) for access to oil in the south, among other economic benefits. As a result the Chinese government will always do anything to keep the current Khartoum regime in power as long they want because they do not want to give a vacuum to south Sudanese, as this would mean their expulsion from the country and a replacement with an equally pernicious US influence in the country.
With the exception Uganda and Botswana, the other African countries are just but monopolies of the Arabs leagues and AU which are both controlled by Arabs nations in the Middle East and Northern Africa. In fact, I am even wondering as to why these Arab countries like Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco are still considered African states since their geographical dimensions have changed dramatically in recent years. For example everyone remembers the famous “Cairo speech by Barack Obama” a month ago. Nowhere in the speech has he mentioned Egypt as being an African state.
In addition, when Obama was in Moscow, the reporters were saying that “Obama first leg in Africa will be Ghana” after G8 summit in L’Aquila Italy. While giving his speech in Ghana, Obama himself repeated what the reporters had reported earlier by stating that “my first visit to sub-Sahara Africa as a president”. This however, translates and explains that Obama never came to Africa when gave that speech in Egypt; he was rather in the Middle East which is of course not part of Africa according to the recent change of geographical dimension.
The world has changed, but the majority African leaders have not yet changed; hence, failed to realize that Arabs nations in the northern Africa are no longer part of Africa but part of Middle Eastern countries whose work is to take Sudan along with them despite our opposition from the south and the west (Darfur).
In short, most African countries do not care about their brothers in Darfur and in south Sudan like the way Arabs care about their brothers in the Northern Sudan; apparently, it is important to note that their support is not guaranteed should the NCP rig elections in 2010.
Can We Do Something To Reverse The Situation? “YES WE CAN”
All south Sudanese parties should form one coalition party that represents the voices of south Sudanese in general.
The SPLM should work hard so that the ‘Doha comprehensive peace process’ between the NCP and the Darfur rebels is achieved as soon as possible. In addition, the SPLM and Darfurian rebels groups should form alliance and work towards peaceful resolution in the region.
The CPA clauses that have not been implemented until now should first be implemented before going for election, i.e. the issue of Abyei and border demarcation.
The SPLM together with other south Sudan parties should bear in mind that the efforts of registering new voters and getting them involved don’t really count towards the project of getting all voters better informed so that they can vote with oriental minds during the actual voting hours, since vast majority of southern Sudanese in the category of the voting age are also illiterate. In short, all south Sudanese registered voters should therefore be oriented on the importance of their votes and how they should be voting during elections.
GoSS officials must stop corruption and use the little money they receive from oil revenue and taxation to fund for their campaigns.
All the ten states of south Sudan should do their own internal census accurately and present their finding back to Khartoum government before elections.
Finally, if all these possibilities are attempted and the NCP is the only impediment that is sabotaging, blocking or rejecting those issues, the SPLM must not give up; instead they should rise up strong and keep the pressure on the NCP by using different tactics and actions and use all events of the period for their advantage. It is this that will cause the NCP to realize that Sudan doesn’t only belong to Arabs Muslims but to all who live in Sudan; including South Sudanese and Darfurian, and that we mean long lasting business. The last and major premise of action should be the UNILATERAL DECLARATION OF SOUTH SUDAN INDEPENDENCE by the SSLA with the assurance from SPLA. Although, there are some foreseen consequences, they will all be felt equally this time by both sides, and most importantly, it is worth to die in search of our independence than to die treated like slaves in our country.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Community Parent of the Month.

Dear E2K members.

happy to bring to you that, the follew members are be elected as a parents of the month of May.

View of Madi Land and the people.

I neither/either speak or represent the opinion of Madi community in Nimule or other Madi occupied villages,but according to reliable sources on the ground many Madi locals are already swearing elegancy to SPLM-DC. The SPLM imposed county commissioner of the area is hanging on at borrowed time. Change is coming tomorrow! away with land grapping,marginaliz ation and nepotism. The locals are already saying SPLM doesn't represent them; because SPLM have categorized Madi's, as Ugandan. The humiliation, occupation inflicted on the the Madi's are testimonies which can not but denied. When I travelled home one year ago,my beautiful wife who happened to be from central Equatoria,asked me about how is your, village Moli? I have no answer to her, because ; my village have been taken over by the so called liberators! I was not allowed inch to visit tombs of my ancestors which were of significant to me simply because the area has been settled by a (genuine South Sudanese).

Bhail Paul Opiew pass way in Fishing Alaska water.

Nhial Paul, Opiew passed away on Saturday July 04, 2009 with age 38. Nhial was born on January 1, 1971 in Nasir, Upper Nile South Sudan. Opiew died at work in fishing Boat in Alaska, the cause of the death cannot be explained today because there are many complications of this death which are not confirmed yet. The searching of evidence has been taking place by Course Guard in Alaska when the death occurred. And the cause of the death is not yet investigated.
The Course Guard tried to search the body in the water for ten hours, but they have not found the body. Ten hours searching body not enough to find the body in the ocean.
The sibilant on the Board will be provided for legal procedure to satisfy the family of late Nhial Paul Opiew, if he jumped or fall into water by himself during fishing or something else pushing him down into water; these questions have not been answer yet.
We the family knew Nhial, he was a great man in our community Nasir or Sudanese communities at the whole. We love him, and we don’t want to miss him with the younger ages 38, but unfortunately, it happened. Late Nhial did a lot of things with us during his lift time, we will not forget him in our community, Let us pray God to receive him and keep him on his right side. And for more information, we will updating you for furthermore, if you have any question need to be asked, you can contact Mr. Bol Odol at (402) 452-8091

Friday, July 10, 2009

E3SNews to the Members.

Press Release

Our beloved people of New Sudan ,
Following the recent dangerous developments pertaining to our party, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), on the launching of the so called Sudan People’s Liberation Movement – Democratic Change (SPLM –DC), on 6th June, 2009, we the three Payam Liberation Councils and Secretariats of Juba, Kator and Munuki, Juba County, held an extraordinary meeting on 12th June, 2009, at SPLM Kator Payam premises to come out with a joint declaration in condemnation of the move taken by traitor Lam Akol Ajowein and anyone collaborating with him in this cheap malicious project and it reads:-

People of the New Sudan ,
We the three SPLM Payams of Juba, Kator and Munuki, in strongest possible terms reject and condemn the defection of Lam Akol whom since the founding of the SPLM/A has consistently exhibited qualities of opportunist and broke away many times not only from the SPLM/A in 1991, but also from other parties formed by Sudanese of good will.

Lam Akol is therefore a dangerous cancer that is detrimental to noble human cause because of his nature of blackmails at critical moments. He is therefore enemy of organization as well as of the marginalized people in Sudan at large and Southern Sudan in particular.

We equally condemn him and anyone who collaborates and conspires with him in this evil agenda, particularly those who fund him. Because we are convinced that hands of spoilers to the CPA are behind him.

We also wish to express strong and unreserved support to the position taken by our Leadership especially their wisdom in handling of the situation with maturity to reject the duplication or use of the same name of SPLM by the opportunist, conspirator and enemy of peace, justice, equality and democracy, TRAITOR Lam Akol.

People of the New Sudan ,
In conclusion, we the three Payams of Juba, Kator and Munuki, would like to reassure our people that the vision, manifesto, cause and popularity of our Party, SPLM, will not and will never be shaken by a simple traitor such as Lam Akol and his conspirators.

Cde. Salva K,
New Sudan

Made in Juba , under our hand, in this day of 17th June, 2009,


Chairmen SPLM:

1. Cde. Santo Lako Tongun, Juba Payam Liberation Council ------------ -
2. Cde. Charles Kuyu, Kator Payam Liberation Council ------------ ----
3. Cde. Emmanuel Levi, Munuki Payam Liberation Council ------------ ---

Cc: Cde. Salva Kiir Mayardit, National Chairman of SPLM,
Cc: Cde. Pagan Amom, Secretary General of SPLM,
Cc: Dr. Ann Itto, Deputy Secretary General, Southern Sector,
Cc: Cde. Clement Wani Konga, Chairman of SPLM, Central Equatoria State ,
Cc: Cde. Albert Pitia Redentore, Chairman of SPLM, Juba County ,
Cc:Radio South Sudan Radio and TV and All media houses including newspapers
and Internet groups

Splm Leader day.

July 4, 2009
A. Program Title:

Inaugural Music and Drama Festivals 2009

B. Program Goals:

1. Disseminating SPLM’s vision and mission through music, songs, poems and theatre to enhance the process of building social capital of unity, self-value, respect to martyrdom and love to nation.
2. All SPLM members and supporters are seized with patriotism of our martyrs, dedication of combatants and charity of the masses towards SPLM mission.

C. Program Objectives

1. To organize a one-week inaugural music and drama festivals to mark the South Sudan Martyrs Day on July 30th, 2009 through to August 8th, 2009.
2. To collect music and drama material by the end of the week.

D. Programs Inputs

A consultant is working on estimates to pay for a venue, pay winners, pay for advertisement, organizers, feeding and local transport for participants and organizers.
States Authorities to finance travel of participants from and back to their states.

E. Program Strategies

1. Collection of revolutionary songs, peace and prosperity through encouragement of competition and rewarding the winners by SPLM Leadership.
2. Inaugural music and drama week shall be dedicated to martyrs, tribute to freedom fighters, praise to gallant SPLA forces, admiration to SPLM vision and mission and to observe the August 8th, 2005 Day on which President Kiir, The Joshua, was sworn in to cross the nation and its Peoples to the promises land.
3. Secretariat for Culture and Information to record all the festivities and events to enable SPLM to develop oral, written, and visual campaign material.
4. All media shall be allowed to document the events to enhance greater outreach.
5. Southern Sector SPSOs in partnership with Secretariat for Information and Culture and SPLM Youth Leagues, SPLM Secretariat for Political Affairs and Mobilization to prepare the themes and messages of the festival that shall include (a) martyrdom and liberty, (b) freedom, (c) unity in diversity, (d) inclusivity, (e) justice and equality, (f) good governance and (g) prosperity.
6. SPSOs to engage a consultant to develop criteria for competition and methods of awarding marks of excellence and winning of the festivities.
7. Organizing team to invite competing groups and individuals on (a) drama (b) choir music (c) theatre drama (d) poems (e) sculptures (f) fine arts (g) radio drama, (h) short films and (i) essays and story writing.
8. Winners categorized into the first three positions with medals, first ten positions and award and certificate acknowledging and appreciating participation.
9. The inaugural week shall be limited to participants from Southern Sector (Ten States of Southern Sudan, Abyei, Southern Kordofan and Southern Blue Nile . Each state shall finance the transport accommodation of their participants.
10. The organizers shall provide feeding to participants and organizers.

F. Program Justification

1. Challenges and Solutions

Implementation of mandate by SPSOs is faced with challenges to reach and mobilize all the popular and syndicated organizations in Southern Sector to rally the masses around SPLM objectives and mission. Peoples of South Sudan are challenged to pay tribute to its martyrs and freedom fighters. The priority and relevancy now is to create space for promotion of songs and drama on SPLM vision, mission and principles of good governance, inclusivity, just peace, freedom, equality, unity in diversity and prosperity for all irrespective of religion, gender and race. This is because most of existing songs and poems of liberation are not the most relevant now due to types of lyrics used and messages that tend to criticize and exclude.

2. History and Opportunity

The current history of liberation struggle led by Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM) has demonstrated how effective the use of songs for social, political and war mobilization. Needless to say shall this be the same and more is, now than ever, needed to promote culture of peace and ideals of liberation struggle if we are to realize the fruits of freedom and dividends of just and lasting peace.

Learnt lessons from our history justify efforts and resources to be invested on music and drama. Peoples of South Sudan , since times of their great ancestors, have adopted songs, music, and drama in their communication amongst and between themselves. All social strata age and sex -to express happiness, sorrow and admiration and to mobilize for war and/or for peace- have intensively used songs, drama and music. Most African history is recorded in songs. Folktales from our cultures include phrases of songs. In modern South Sudan music, songs and drama could play a pivotal role in promoting good governance and justice.

Music heals, is a food for soul and is a shade to protect off heat of social and economic challenges. Music, songs and drama are means of income traditionally and in modern world. Music, songs and drama do not know boundaries and have ability to attract the mind and energy of adults, youth and children at all time. If effectively explored music and drama could effectively serve as vehicles to communicate the intended educative material to target groups and from them to all society alike.

Highlight the points for any one who wanna to Run for ESCA-USA Office.

I would like to highlight the following points for consideration in weighing whether contestants for ESCA-USA election should campaign on E2K or in their respective local communities at state level (status quo):A. Points:1. ESCA-USA is a member-based non-profit organization. (ref. to membership definition in section C below) 2. Not all ESCA-USA members have access to or access E2K on regular basis.3. Not all those who have access to E2K are necessarily ESCA-USA members or equatorians for that matter.4. If cyber-based campaign is adopted, will it encourage/motivate prospectivecontestants to run for the election or some may shy off. How about folkswho may not have access to E2K, but are capable and interested incontesting election. What do we do with them?5. Normally, resume/credential are sensitive personal information that are shared only with limited trust worthy individuals/ entities for specificpurposes and not the general public, and posting such info on E2K islikelyto compromise this confidentiality.B. Previous/Status quo ESCA-USA election process:1. Contestants are moninated, or recommended, or endorsed by leadership intheirrespective states that knows them better than any one from outside states.The nominees are then referred to annual convention for final contest. However, for personal reasons,individuals may as well nominate themselves.2. Contests from unorganized states self-nominate themselves and inform the Election Committee of that status.3. At the convention, before the election, the Election Committee asks eachcontestant to introduce her or himself and share with general essemblyher/hismotives/plans for running for election,and if elected, the changes s/hewillbring about. Time for this exercise can be extended if that is an issue orthe exercise can be conducted during the first day of the convention inorderto give more time for members to questions, evaluate, and make up theirmindon whether to vote for the candidate the next day or not.4. Votes are casted by two representatives from each state includingunorganized states (ref. Sioux Fall, SD-2007)C. Definition of ESCA-USA membership:1. Member of Equatoria ethnic groups2. USA Resident3. Interest and active participation in ESCA activities4. Regualar payments of monthly/annual membership due at local/state level.Incase I have inadvertently omitted anything in sections B or C above, pleasefeel free to add or correct.Thanks.Paulino

Suspects who were arrested in Kampala Yesterday

The Police have burst a racket involved in forging logbooks and driving permits just weeks after unearthing a scam in fake car number plates. Four suspects, including the wife of a UPDF officer, have been netted in the latest operation. Security forces also seized computers, scanners and other machines from several printing companies at City House on William Street in central Kampala. The suspects, who were paraded before the press yesterday, were also accused of forging academic transcripts, ministerial documents, identity cards and bank cheques. They were identified as Grace Kemitovu, alias Josephine Namaganda, the managing director of Trend Saloon and wife to a UPDF captain, Drake Mpindi of Maganjo, Mike Wasswa and Joseph Ssekambwa. The Police are still hunting for two prime suspects who took off during the operation, according to Henry Kalulu, the deputy Police spokesperson for Metropolitan Kampala. The equipment seized, the Police said, was used to print URA documents, logbooks and transcripts as well as produce stamps and seals. The detectives also recovered forged Uganda Examinations Board academic transcripts for ‘O’ and ‘A’ levels, diploma and degree transcripts for Makerere, Nkumba and Kyambogo universities plus four other tertiary institutions across the country. Others items found included tax receipts bearing the stamp of URA and the forged signature of Commissioner General Allen Kagina. In addition, the Police recovered receipts and pay slips of various banks, documents of several ministries, media organisations and finished identity cards of employees of several companies. Kalulu said the suspects were part of a bigger group involved in forging all sorts of documents using specialised machines. One of the groups, he explained, issued forged logbooks meant for micro-finance institutions and money-lending companies, presenting vehicles with fake number-plates as securities to obtain loans. “In one incident, the accused conned a money-lender of sh5.5 million,” Kalulu said. Suspected forgeries included three logbooks of vehicles bearing registration numbers UAK 659D (Toyota Corona), UAL 590M (Toyota Nadia) and UAL 783S (Toyota Land Cruiser). Kalulu said the suspects also issued cheques with forged signatures and stamps. One of the cheques shown to the media was purported to have been issued by Stanbic Bank, IPS branch. Mpindi, one of the suspects, demonstrated before the press how they operated the machines and how they sealed each document to appear genuine. He, however, revealed that the scam involved many people, including employees of import and manufacturing companies, who he said sell some of the documents, like logbooks and permits. “Though we make documents, we also have genuine ones which we buy from people who smuggle them out of big offices. I advise the Police to tighten the noose even at the source where we get these items,” Mpindi said in his confession. The suspects, according to the Police, will be taken to court and charged with several offences, including fraud, obtaining money by false pretence and uttering false documents.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

E3News to the Members.

Fellow Equatorians,

Given the multiple challenges we are facing today at home and here in the Diaspora, we just can't afford to fold our hands, stand by, watch, and expect solutions to fall down from heaven like the biblical Manna. It is better to do something than nothing, and that something, can begin as simple as "social gathering" like the ESCA-USA annual convention as others refer to it. After all, a journey of thousand miles begins with few steps. Don't we have to stick around longer to build knowledge in order to become wise? How many people would start something and do it perfectly well from the very beginning? Show me something significant that you have accomplished, and I can count the huddles you overcame to get there. In Genesis, wasn't the world VOID and formless before the light and perfection came into being? If that was the case with the Almighty Creator, who are we the Equatorians to start ESCA-USA without first making mistakes, and later improve? I think ESCA-USA has great potential of becoming a giant organization if we only have patience and commitment. For indepth review of ESCA-USA, I encourage you to pay your registration fees today and join us in Utah on September 5 though 6.

Thank you.

Paulino S. Paida Chairman,
Board of Directors

E3News to the Members.

Dear E2K members. and those who love to talk without action. hear the call for my Boss. as she say,

I see the point you are making, but the language, tone, and manner in which you saying it are just not approriate to say the least. I just can't comprehend what it was that I said, did, or didn't do that could have triggered such unbecoming reaction and wording from you. You havebeen with ESCA-USA from its inception as you testified, and I quote"I have been there from the get go before it was know to be ESCA-US" But then, people are wondering why you didn't fix the problem you are talkingabout all these years??? So, please do not hold me escape goat for the problem you couldn't solve yourself. This is a community issue and requirescollective action. Last but not least, always be cuatious of what you say and how you say it particularly when it comes to public matters. Paulino

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sudanese Community Church mass every Sat.

Sudanese Community Church mass every Sat. 3:30pm to 4:45pm. or 5:oopm. every one is welcome to share the mass with us. or you can call James Banaya to learn more about the church fellowship at 206760-3834 or email
St Columba's Episcopal Church Official Website
(253) 854-9912
26715 Military Rd S Kent, WA
and thanks.

E3News Family Sad News.

Lona Lako 648 Ridge Crest Court Bloomington,In 47401. In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amin. Becuse of jesus christ we chare God's Love. Becuse of jesus christ we join hands in service' Dear, my fellow Sudanese Brother and sister in christ. I'm Lona Lako from South Sudan (Luka region). I don't know where I can start to you... in facte. I have been in difficalt setuation.that I ever so in my life. it was abig tragedy and over whalming to me. and I coudn't spected at all. within two week's ago I have lost both of my parents. at first was my father Maykil Lako which he died on monday-June/22/09 in South Sudan.and then shortly my mother Janet Koropo Dived. that was on monday- July/6/09. I am writing this letter asking your kindness to assess me with any finacial support that able to prepare for my mother's memorial services here in Bloomington, Indiana. I will appreciate your support and assistence very much and thank you from my heart. bellow is the accounts number that you can use to send your conterbation to the family or if you wish to mail it use above address. The account of Lona Lako -2772366. Monroe Bank Bloomington, in 47408. Thank you so much for your kindness and understanding with this matter, Masy GOD Bless you all.Sincerly, Lona Lako

Friday, July 3, 2009

happy independence day usa

ESCAWAHappy Independence day to everyone around the world drive safe, taking care of Kids, family, and Friends, Community, a plus World we love.