Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Catholic Church throw one of there member into jailing becouse of Kidney problem.

You would never think a church would throw one of her members to the hands of of the government. You would also think of the church as a sanctuary and place of refuge in times of need. Not so, with the church in the United States at least with our experience recently with the jailing of Samuel Gai Kulang.Samuel Gai Kulang has been attending Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church for the past five years as a dedicated member. He is suffering from kidney problem and goes for dialysis three times a week. Apparently, the church promised to pay for the medical bills when his time comes to receive a kidney donation. However, the priest who was sympathetic with him died and a new one took over.The new priest couldn't care a bit for this man. When Samuel pressed his case to him more, the more angrier the priest became. So, Samuel was given a warning not to come to the church property or otherwise face trespassing charges.Samuel Kulang could not just give up going to the church as he believes this is his family just as in the Sudan. Each time, he stepped there, the church called the police on him. One Sunday, Samuel braved himself and tried to explain his case to the congregation. He took as much time as he could and could not back out. This last episode landed him in jail for over a month now.The case was supposed to have been heard on the Aug. 18 but was rushed without notice to Aug. 13th. Now, he is sentenced to two more months in jail.It appears, the man is definitely guilty of trespassing but I think the church went so far by treating one of her members as a criminal.The church showed no mercy or compassion as the Sudanese community tries to engage in dialogue so as to keep this man out of the jail. The community would also involve in keeping this man from ever stepping on the grounds of this church.We are shocked to see that this particular church showed no interest in helping this needy man. Is it because he is black? Is it because he is poor? One of the accusations is that this man is scaring people away from the church? How is he scaring people? Is it because of his marks on the face and his color?So, the gist of this story is don't mess with churches particularly in America. It is very different here than in the Sudan. Pick your church carefully so when you need them, they will be there for you and not abandon you!
Sam Dilla

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