Monday, August 24, 2009

Al Paul Run for ESCA-USA Office.

Brother Lu’Bakare and Equatorians at large,
Lu’Bakare, I appreciate a great deal questions you have raised that I am sure majority of people here would agree with you 100% that ESCA-US leaderships structure as well as every one of us has not done our parts, respectively, since the inception of this organization. As for money squander unwisely in expensive hotels, that surely can create an atmosphere of mistrust between ESCA leaderships and its constituents.
As I was contemplating making an announcement to the Election Committees as a candidate for the post, I have thought thoroughly through quiet wide range of issues includes notably weakened ESCA-US and what I believe needed done in order to have it working again for its people here in US and back home. Issues that I believe we are weak on and I would very much like to be part of solution are the following:
1, Lack of leadership communication is what I have identified as a top priority, and here is how I will tackle it if elected:
A, convene a biannual meetings with the states leaders-this can be done either via teleconferences or by gathering in one of the central states. Here together we would be able to; (1) compare notes and see where we are lagging on, (2) identify states that may need some visitations to help sell the important of unity and restore confidence on people to see this organization as something more greater than ourselves or whatever the case maybe.
B, Communicate to you here as frequently as possible where things stand as far as proposal I make to you on one of the following paragraphs. I will make it a habit that every issue arising is responded to without a long delays. Such as matters our people back home are experiencing on daily bases can not go unanswered. I will keep every peace loving people informed of illegal land grapping in Equatoria in the name of libration.
2, Lack of Equatorian participation is a crucial one and ought to be address. It is my hope under my leadership, we will be able to convince people by our actions that ESCA is for real and their involving would help to strength it in order to accomplish what the initiators of this beautiful organization envision the very day they gave their pledges that lead to its creation. Thus, if ESCA mission and vision is ever to be realized, every one of us would have to take ownership of it.
3, Lack of vocal leaderships that won’t afraid of calling spade a spade not the other way around has being a challenge for us. Quiet often we hear cases of Equatorians back home been killed by non-Equatorians and our ESCA leaders say little or nothing at a time. So, I will do my part as I stated on part one section B above to mitigate such suffering.
4, Lack of leaderships commitments and strength. I will create a committee of Equatorian intellectuals from every corners of the world to sever as liaisons dealing with issues our people are facing back home. ESCA will not just going to be focus solely on USA, we are going to expand it. Perhaps, we could hold conference in other contents as well if we are ever going to get serious. As soon as I am elected I will elaborate more on this so we are all on the same page.
How about the use of your contribution money? To spending our hard earned cash in some expensive hotels definitely is not a smart move. I think you ask a very great question and my answer would be that friend once I am elected, we are going to put stop to that once and for all. If we have to hold our conferences at the park (hoping it won’t rain those days) so let be it. I had witnessed a year ago, Bari held theirs at one of the local parks here and I do not know if there were any complaints from the attendees.
As a matter fact, please allow me to share with you a portion of a letter I sent to the Election Committees regarding my intent to run for this post:
I live in Sioux Falls, SD-the city where according to veterans of the city is a place of a birth of ESCA, in theory at least. So, it is only natural that today with the encouragement of my city dwellers, (specifically some of the Equatorians whom I share the city with) do I come to lament the lost pride of those people who helped in crafting ESCA as we know today and their worries over what’s the future of this wonderful organization may hold for all of us, that I choice to come to the conference and run for ESCA Presidency position in hope of revitalizing ESCA marred image.
Although my experience in public work is limited, I know what I can bring to the office of Presidency is my 5 years of students loan industry service, a new energy that I see missing from currents and previous leaders, strategic planning thinking for the way forward I have acquired through years of MBA research and most importantly a determinations fueled by despairs our Equatorian people are going through day in and out. Either, be it of the lack of leadership or other challenges they faced in their daily lives, they need a way out of it and as well as a way forward. I have seen in my own eyes small infractions turned into jail time back home. This should never allowed to continue as if our people do not have us and we need to turn our privileges of living in the western world into proper service for our people.
I am running for a Presidency post to get insecurity situation in Equatoria under control by any means necessary; I will do my best to expose any alleged leaders abuses of their own people and stealing people meager funds, by publically blowing alarms through direct communication with various contributors of such funds; I will introduce a real internet IPO website where vital information will be stored and be used, constructively (such as directing well wishers to donor for our cause online); I will urge for reinstitution of all Equatorians accused of militancy or be welcoming back home; and more importantly if possible I will urge for dismantlement of Equatoria forum and create one that would require only Equatorian memberships subscription. I think currently it is a mess.
As a President, I want to make sure that ESCA is in deed an institution with teeth that can deal head on with about most issues our Land, Institutions, People face in a daily basis. The reason of taking a stronger stands is very simple: our land has been robe from us by non-equatorians, our institutions are very ineffective in combating insecurity, and our people are being subjected to abnormalities, such as harsh humiliations, murder, assassinations by bad elements of visitors from afar and our people are being taken advantage off by unscrupulous businesses from neighboring countries. Since these are men made anomalies, I have not yet to see a crystal reason why we can’t reverse such inhumane practices. And I am confidence together working as a team we will soon turn a tide and free our land and people from despair. Working for the greater mission is at the core of why ESCA was created in the first place-to deal with issues such as these.
Brother Lu’Bakare, hope I answer your questions thoroughly. But if you feel I might have left something out please do not hesitate to drop me another line.
Thanks you all for reading and hope to have your endorsement.
Albert L. Paul

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