Thursday, June 25, 2009

Equatorian Sudanese Community Association Donations Appal

Donations to Equtorian Sudanese Community Assocaition of Washington are tax deductible. We encourage you to make a donation online as this saves valuable natural resources and allows us to reduce costs associated with processing checks.
Any Amout
Please Make checks payable to: Equatorian Sudanese Community Assocaition Of Washington
19530 Pacific HWY. South, suite 108 Seattle, WA 98188

And also print your Name, Email, Address, plus City, State, Home/work phone number, Signature, Date, for Our Record report. Or if this is a gift, made in ( circle one ) Honor / Memory of, Print Name.

ESCA-WA is a non profit organization that kept hope alive in the heart and minds of millions of equatorian Sudanese Children during war, with a powerful vision that justice would come, freedom was unstoppable and one day all equatorian children would be free
and thanks

Currently Volunteers Opportunities in ESCA-WA Community.

We currently have several opportunities for volunteers: ·

Currently look for Art center pleace that we can call home and we can able to do below program in the pleace.
Tutors: Tutors assist with basic educational skills including math, reading, english and science. ·
Grant Writers & Fund raising specialists: We need grant writers who can achieve results. ·
Desktop publishers: We need help with publishing newsletters, and other desktop publishing functions. · Documentary Filmmakers: This is a great opportunity for anyone wants to do a story about Equatorian Sudanese Community Assocaition members activition that are from the genocide in Sudan that are trying to assimilate into American culture.
and for more, pl`s email us at
and thanks

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Need Volunteer who can teacher music int. to kids

Please call US about Volunteer Opportunities and sent acknowledgement to address below.
And thanks again ESCA-WA Office.