Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kiir Conspired on Lado Gore.

Kiir 'conspired' with Bashir to 'cook' results of election as Lado Gore is now under SPLM/A virtual house arrest in Juba
As the situation now in Juba remains tense and explosive, following the unexpected election lost of the popular candidate, Lado Gore, who was most expected to win against incompetent Clement Konga, reliable reports from Juba say that Gen. Lado Gore is under virtual arrest as SPLA tanks and massive security surrounded his house. A group of youth who had earlier gathered around the residence where brutally dispersed by the security men as nobody is being allowed to get in or out of Gore's residence. His fate remains uncertain and in danger.
Meanwhile, it has reliably emerged that SPLM leader, Salva Kiir himself played a part in a joint conspiracy with other SPLM top members and President Bashir to block Lado Gore being declared the real winner. Allegedly, Kiir and Bashir, like those of Pagan, SPLM secretary-general and the widow of late Garang, and National Election Commission under Abel Alier, all conspired and 'cooked' the results in spite of the undisputed lead Lado Gore had. Reportedly, Kiir and Beshir and the others determinedly objected to Gore as an avowed 'separatist' while Kiir and gang are sickly deluded with the pervasive paranoia that Gore, as governor in Juba, would 'expel' them from his state.

Disappointingly for Kiir and the SPLM, his victory as GOSS president itself was very subdued as Juba residents are preoccupied with the Lado Gore predicament. Wholly untainted by corruption himself, Gore, an SPLM founder, absolutely opposes the current corruption by Kiir and gang.

The SPLM and SPLA must abide by the rule of law and must release Gore immediately and unconditionally and allow the citizens of Juba to freely exercise their right of freedom of speech and association.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Six Things Guys Notice Six Seconds After You Meet

According to a new study, a person's physical appearance allows others to form surprisingly accurate first impressions. So you may want to think twice about what kind of image you're projecting with these traits that men check out immediately.

By Ky Henderson

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Body Language Decoder
1. Your Smile
Does it seem sweet and genuine? Does it seem awkward and forced? Does it seem like you ate a sesame-seed and parsley salad for lunch based on what's lodged between every single one of your teeth?

2. Your Hair
Guys have no idea what split ends are, and if you mention roots, they just think of the band. But they do look to see if your hair looks 1. soft and 2. as though it would smell good. So don't request "The Gosselin" at the salon, and wash it every so often. That's all guys ask.

3. Your Makeup
If you're wearing so much makeup that it looks like you've painted an entirely new face on top of your actual face, guys will wonder if you're trying to cover up some bizarre deformation — or if you're Gotham City's most dangerous criminal mastermind.

4. Your Cleavage
Newsflash: Dudes like to look at your chest. Now, that's not to say they think all women should unbutton their shirts to their bellybuttons at funerals. (Though really, who are guys to judge?) But they will notice how you're showing off what you've got.

5. Your Skin
You know that blemish you've been obsessing over all day because it's so huge? Chances are guys won't even notice. What will they notice? If you look like a jaundiced Oompa-Loompa because of overenthusiastic tanning.

6. Your Bag
Are all women who haul around big purses — in other words, cavernous rucksacks stuffed full of old receipts, emergency sweaters, and half-used bottles of hand sanitizer — high maintenance? Maybe not. But guys will go ahead and assume they are anyway.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Church rule from the Vatican to the members of the Anglicans Church.


Uganda King

Dear E2K members.
check below site out for the new king in Uganda.
and thank.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Special AU Summit IN Uganda

A Special AU summit on refugees, returnees and internally displaced peoples opens in Kampala today.

Under the theme “African Union; addressing the challenge of forced displacement in Africa”, the summit will be held at the Commonwealth Resort in Munyonyo.

The heads of state summit that begins Thursday, will be opened by the chairman of the African Union, Col. Muammar Gadaffi.

Over 600 delegates from Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Ghana, Mozambique, Somalia, DRC, Sudan, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana and Tanzania are expected to attend today’s opening session.

Foreign affairs ministry spokesperson Ambassador Guma Muganda said a full list of attending presidents was expected today.

By press time, The New Vision had learnt that Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Rwandan premier Bernard Makuza and former South African president Nelson Mandela’s wife Graca Machel, had confirmed participation. Ministers of foreign affairs and relief and disaster preparedness are also expected at the meeting.

Sudanese president Omar el Bashir has been invited, however, by yesterday, he had not yet confirmed attendance.
The Minister of State for Disaster Preparedness, Musa Ecweru, said the summit would tackle the causes of internal displacement of people in Africa.
The continent is estimated to have 17 million internally displaced people and refugees.

The summit is expected to find solutions to curb the growing number of refugees and displaced people in Africa.
Today’s session will be addressed by the chairperson of the executive council, the commissioner for political affairs and Ugandan government representative.

The session will consider the 2008 report of the meeting of ministers in charge of forced displacement issues, consider the draft AU convention for the protection and assistance of IDPs, and draft the agenda for the heads of state.

Disaster preparedness minister Tarsis Kabwegyere said Uganda was chosen to host the summit because it has been handling issues of human displacement since the Second World War when the country hosted the Polish refugees at Mpumudde in Mukono district.

“Since then, Uganda has been hosting refugees from her neighbouring countries and beyond,” Kabwegyere said.
Besides refugees from neighbouring countries, he added, Uganda has also been handling internal displacements since 1971 following the military coup by Idi Amin.

Between 1981 and 1986, the Luweero war displaced over 500,000 people and shortly after, the Lord’s Resistance Army rebellion displaced more people in the north during the last 20 years, Kabwegyere said.

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees external relations officer in Uganda, Needa Jehu-Hoya, the country has 143,418 refugees and asylum seekers, most of them from Sudan, DR Congo, Rwanda, Somalia, Burundi, Eritrea and Kenya .
Of these, 30,508 are Sudanese, 72,595 Congolese and 17,220 Rwandans, Jehu-Hoya said.

A total of 10,603 are from Somalia, 4,488 from Burundi and 4,100 from Eritrea.

There are also 2,337 Kenyans, while another 1,567 are from other countries.
The UN report adds that 276,000 are living in refugee settlements around the country, while 218,300 are in transit sites.

By September this year, 175,546 Sudanese and 2,498 Rwandans had been repatriated back to their countries.
Most of the refugees in Uganda cite persecution and discrimination on account of ethnicity, political affiliation and civil strife back in their home countries.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Somalia are join insurgents in their land in a big number.

Monday, 12th October, 2009 E-mail article Print article


An American man has been arrested in northern Kenya while trying to enter an area of Somalia controlled by Islamist insurgents, police and residents said yesterday.

Lawless Somalia is viewed by the international community as a breeding ground for al Qaeda-linked groups which have been fighting the UN-backed administration of President Sheikh Shariff Ahmed.

A witness told Reuters that the man was arrested on Sunday by police manning the immigration office at the border town of Liboi in Kenya’s North Eastern province. He was on his way to Qoqani in southern Somalia without any security escort.

“The suspect is being transported to the provincial police headquarters for questioning,” a police officer said.

The police thought the man’s willingness to enter the conflict-torn nation where foreigners are routinely kidnapped for huge ransoms was puzzling, the witness added.

Qoqani is controlled by the al Shabaab rebel group which the US says is al Qaeda’s proxy in Somalia.

The man had said he was a Muslim and denied any link to Islamic radicals who make up the bulk of fighters in Somalia, the witness said.

Western nations are increasingly concerned about the radicalisation of Somali youth living in their countries. Some have returned to Somalia to boost the insurgents’ ranks.

Also on Sunday, police at the Kenyan coast arrested seven Somalis on suspicion of involvement in unlawful activities in Somalia, before releasing some of them.

“We are investigating their possible connection to militia groups in Somalia,” said a police officer who was involved in the arrests at the resort town of Malindi.

“We are vigilant because the situation in Somalia is not very good and our borders, which are highly porous, could be an added advantage to the militia groups.”

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Another 1947 sellout.

Another 1947 Sellout Juba All Political Parties Conference

BY: Isaiah Abraham, JUBA

OCT 3/2009, SSN; The Juba conference that has brought in more than twenty political parties, mainly from the North, has come and gone, but confusion swirls around on what this meeting really achieved or will achieve as far as the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) is concerned.

To the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) and participants, the Conference is a reconciliation gesture among political parties in the countries and a test of political waters, whether it's in the interest of the party to enter into an alliance with any or all the political parties for possible removal of the National Congress Party (NCP), or go it alone in the upcoming general elections.

Who was excluded sends a different bad signal, more of 'To others including this author, the Conference isn't in the interest of the CPA (read Referendum and the border demarcation) , the Darfur, the elections issues or any other burning issue (s) between the two peace partners, because of the following reasons: The Conference false start, a situation in which the NCP was sidelined. To outsiders even the NCP, this is just a mere 'maumara' against the NCP by the organizers (SPLM).

You might disagree but this where we got it just off wrong. How do we intend to pass our resolutions without the blessing of the NCP party; whether you like this party or not, they are in power and in all partners in the CPA.

Second, on the same argument is the position of the host party (SPLM). The SPLM isn't in the opposition, but equal partner with the NCP, what will this mean to their position in the government when they play the double standard roles? In another word, there are common positions by the government and once that is done, the others are required to toe, where will this lead the SPLM in the cabinet. Take for example the Darfur peace process in Doha.

The other issue is the talks on referendum modalities, border demarcation, and others (not census, there is no justification to quarrel there). The move by the SPLM will jeopardize those talks as the two sides positions might tighten, and if that is done, even the election we are talking about won't be there.

The two sides confrontation isn't good for peace, even the Darfur. Referendum discussion is on the right track given the President last night assurances and the few details we all know. This question is begging before one could finish the issues we are talking about; why the hurry to shop for another partner when the NCP has shown it again and again that they are serious, not just in rhetoric's but in deeds?

The forth argument is that Juba Conference will embolden other opposition forces internally and externally to stage a change through a coup. We know what color these parties have and therefore very awkward for the SPLM to stand on the way- the cause of the people of Southern Sudan, just months away.

Our Southern Political forces did an excellent job to walk away, these men and women wasted tax payers money for nothing, when they know well it won't be implemented. If it is not an alliance and not anything closer to unity, what is it?

Again, if it isn't renegotiation of the CPA, what did these get the idea of confederation from? The SPLM lives in the illusion that pressuring Khartoum is the best option, but sometimes such scheme can backfire. Others have their own interests apart from the interest of the constituency the party purports to represent.

This is exactly what happened in the 1947, when our leaders were hoodwinked to abandon the Closed District practice in favor of unity with the North. It happened at the same period at the same city and reminiscently, the party (SPLM) should have avoided using that fateful title.

Malek Aggar and the group must stop preaching rubbish to our ears, no unity now and forever, understand!

Mr. Amum, what do you want to our people? Why do you personalized the Southern problem? What do you think you are doing? You want to do the same mistake like our leaders in that year (1947), aren't you? Who is by the way is following you? You are a great man and you shouldn't succumb to USA unrealistic strategies to change sovereign governments.

Fortunately, the new Obama diplomatic script against the NCP is working- its good for peace. Please cease from those clandestine secret activities. The NCP is real, they will deliver! Others won't. They are political turncoats and busybodies who want to ride on the SPLM back.

Even the current international pressure, a situation where a head of state is opprobriously and malignly charged by a US proxy so-called crusaders against impunity, could have bother you. The SPLM then ought to stand with the NCP at this critical time and forget banking on foreign forces and utopians.

Talking alone never helps others, and we don't need rude shocks of our lives. We have been saying this many times. If for the vision, the New Sudan vision has been clarified and the CPA has offered that answer through the people. It's not anymore in the court yard of the politicians.

My plea is for the SPLM to be conscious of people's will and stop being others, but themselves. If you boycott the election, we will hold you accountable; the election is a mandatory and you got to go for it. Don't apply any exit ploy here, you are in partnership until 2011